Friday, April 20, 2018

Alternative Proposals for the Soccer Penalty Kicks tiebreakers by Sherif Monem

The first proposal:

The number of players are reduced to five versus five opponent. They play till five goals or three are achieved.

Second proposal.

Two players for the penalty kicks. One player far away shoots at a player12 yards from the net who shoots right away at the net.

//The penalty shootout is an abomination. It reduces a team sport to a contrived tiebreaker that obliges physically tired and emotionally drained players to step up one by one, trudge half the length of the field and try to shoot down the opponent’s goalkeeper from 12 yards ... Ludicrous. Grotesquely, compellingly ludicrous."

Fewer men on the field would result in more wide-open spaces, increasing the likelihood of a goal—a goal scored via passing and soccer-related team play against a team of defenders rather than via the artificial, foreign situation of a single player kicking a stationary ball from point-blank range on a single defender.

نكته واحده سيكرتيره بتأول لصاحبتها

واحده سيكرتيره بتأول لصاحبتها ان كل البنات فى المكتب بييجو يشتكو لها ان الرجاله فى المكتب بييجو يعاكسوهم وكذلك علقت انها بس اللى محدش بيعاكسها٠

Monday, April 16, 2018

عمر الانسان من ٩٠ عاما الى ٩٩ عاما

عمر الانسان من ٩٠ عاما الى ٩٩ عاما هى الفتره  الاخيره فى الحياه التى يتدهور فيها جسم ألإنسان ولا محاله الى الموت الذى هو سنة الحياه وامر ربنا٠

Sunday, April 1, 2018

الدنيا زى فرقع رااى

الدنيا زى فرقع لوز فرقعه وانت فى الدونيا وفرقعه انتا تمشي -- لا دارى ولا حس لو انتا عارف ربنا ومشيت معها اطلب منه الرحمه والثواب